Four Groomsmen Gifts To Surprise Your Friends
Groomsmen have the honor and the shared responsibility in making their groom’s wedding day joyous. In return, grooms typically present their chosen attendants with gifts—specials ones on top of the small tokens handed out to all wedding guests—as a way of thanking them for their involvement.
You can give any kind of trinket to your groomsmen, but some items are worth more, not
necessarily in price but in sentimental value. Simple objects that suits your groomsmen’s
respective personalities can mean so much more to them than gaudy yet, somehow, generic
If you need gift ideas for your groomsmen, consider some of these examples:
Mug on a Mug
Almost everyone guzzles a hot drink in the morning or at work, whether that’s coffee, tea, or
cocoa. They’ll likely have their own cups. Usually, those cups are vanilla pieces of a basic dining set.
Here’s where you come in. Surprise your men by getting them mugs with caricatures of their
faces plastered on the side, something like the personalized ceramic mugs from Groovy Groomsmen Gifts.
This works if your groomsmen love vanity or if you think they need a self-confidence boost along with their joe—to remind them that they’re special enough that you chose to have them by your side on your wedding day.
Viking Tankard
A stronger drink needs a stronger mug. For the more vigorous drinkers of your band, grace
them with a Viking Tankard made of actual ox horn (ethically sourced and GSP wildlife certified).
With such a tankard on hand, your men will feel like mighty Nordic kings and raid parties as if
they owned the place. Holding it will make them look wicked and fierce; none will want to mess with your bros once they have this epic cup.
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Poker Set
A groomsman who likes hosting events and games may love a poker set. The house always
wins and giving a poker set to a buddy makes them the “house.” That’s a prestigious position
even among friends.
Furthermore, you’re enabling your buddy to host parties for other people, maybe expanding
their circle of friends and, by extension, yours too. Poker is great for parties or something your gang can do on a Friday night in the den.
Just having a poker set adds a cool factor to the recipient too, especially if you get the one with a sleek carrying case.
An Experience
Material things fade with time, but true friendship persists. Though the sentimental value of gifts may last a lifetime, the actual physical object given won’t. Thus, the most unforgettable treat you can give to your groomsmen is an experience.
For example, you know how there’s a special bond between soldiers who’ve lived through boot camp together? You can also build a similar relationship with your groomsmen squad by taking on the GORUCK Special Forces challenge. It’s a one-day course based on Special Forces training and supervised by an actual Special Forces cadre.
Memories from a unique experience like that will endure to your twilight years. When your
beards have gone gray, you and your friends will be remembering the one-day challenge fondly, like veterans of a made-up war.
Remember to Be a Good Friend
Though most of these ideas seem to enable bad habits, do note that, on their own, these
treasures are meant to amuse people as hobbies. If you know one of your groomsmen has a
gambling or a drinking problem, then you may not want to give them a poker set or a tankard. You should only do that if you know they are responsible with their drinks and dice.
Also, though there are female and LGBT groomsmen, majority are men. Thus, most
groomsmen gifts sold in wedding sites are geared toward that demographic. That is not to say that some of these gift ideas won’t apply to women and LGBT people. They can, so long as you think they’ll like it too or it fits their character.
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