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Selena Gomez Weighed in on the Very Real Possibility of a Taylor Swift Collaboration

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Selena Gomez—or rather, her Animal Crossing villager, made a guest appearance on the Animal Talking with Gary Whitta live-stream show last night. Gomez dropped two bombshells on the program: One, she’s officially working on her next album, months after she released Rare; and two, she and Taylor Swift have talked about collaborating. And it could happen soon.

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Gomez was asked who her dream artist to collaborate with would be.”“I’ll say there’s a few artists for sure, but I’ve always dreamt of doing a song with Taylor,” she said. “I mean, we both wanted to do that. It’s just—everything remains in our friendship, you know? And so, it’s so—It just feels like we’re family. I’ve known her for 13 or 14 years now. So she’s been my best friend. But we’ve talked about it for sure.”

When Whitta suggested that it’s only a matter of time before they collaborate for sure, Gomez teased back, “You never know…”

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When asked about Rare, she let it slip that she’s already making new music. It’s funny because I already feel like I’ve been working on the new album so I’m not in that headspace as much,” Gomez said. “But I’m so proud of what we did. Oh no, I’m not sure if I was supposed to say that.”

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Alyssa Bailey
News and Strategy Editor
Alyssa Bailey is the news and strategy editor at, where she oversees coverage of celebrities and royals (particularly Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton).

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